Muramatsu Flutes

Founded by Japanese flute maker Koichi Muramatsu in 1923, the Muramatsu story is one of an artist who became enamored after hearing a Boehm system flute. The Muramatsu flute is built with the care and precision that has earned Muramatsu its reputation as one of the world’s finest professional flutes across several generations. Muramatsu produces the highest volume of world-class quality professional flutes and are sold on every continent. The wide variety of instruments offered at Muramatsu will satisfy the needs of all serious minded flutists. Today Muramatsu sells more professional model flutes worldwide than any other flute maker. Whether your budget is limited, or if you are ready to make a significant investment for your career, the Muramatsu flute of your choice will bring you years of musical joy and personal satisfaction.

